Neural therapy as related technique to acupuncture
It is a introduction of neural therapy as powerful partner of acupuncture and other related techniques in the treatment of acute and chronic deseases. The aim of the chapter ist to give an overwiew of the special neuraltherapeutic approach to patients and their deseases as well as examples of neuraltherapeutic treatment.
Neural therapy is the common name for the local, segmental and systemic therapeutic use of local anaesthetics (mostly procain and lidocain 1%).
The neural therapy is a holistic diagnostic and therapeutic procedure and a form of regulation therapy. With this method small ammounts 0f local anaesthetics are applied in a specific way in order to treat pain or functional disorders.
Being a form of regulation therapy the aim of the neural therapeutic treatment is to normalise or improve the body`s selfregulation at various levels.
Here is an example for the different approach to a patient with shoulder pain in the conventional medicine and the neural therapy
The main columns of the diagnostic procedure are the history taking, the inspection, the palpation and the functional examination. The quality of the diagnosis depends on a target specific history taking. Important is the history for traumas, incidents and conditions with chronic inflammation in the body.
The second diagnostic tool is the inspection. Here of importance: the first impression about gait pattern, coordination of movement, the body language, the first contact (hand grip, eye contact), the inspection at rest and moving.
The next diagnostic step is the palpation. We use the light-touch and connective tissue palpation to examine tension and turgor of the cutis. The Kibler skin fold rolling as an expression of the segmental regulation in the dermatome can give information about possible pathological conditions oft he associated myotome, sclerotome or the inernal organs. And then we use the in-depth palpation to examine deeper-lying structures.
Additional diagnostic tools in ordert to make a working hypotesis are the functional examination, some apparative examinations and laboratory tests.
The big potential of the neural therapy ist to treat segmental disorders and interference fields with small amounts of local anaesthetics.
The neural therapy techniques to be learned are:
-Injection to the locus dolendi
– segmental therapy (skin, periost,trigger points, joints)
-Injection to nerve trunks and ganglia
-injection to interference fields
-Intravenous application
The neural therapy is the best method to detect and treat fields of interference. The fields of interference are places of the body with permanent irritation of the sympathetic nerve fibers or in condition of inflammation. This parts of the body have small or no symptoms over longer time but can trigger segmentaly or non segmentally related disorders and be catalisator for degeneration. Every part of the body in condition of inflammation may become an interference field. The most common are the maxillofascial region, the tonsils, the paranasal sinuses, the digestive tract, the urogenital region, scars of any cause in any part oft he body. The application of local anaesthetics in the fields of interference interrupt the pathological irritation of the sympathetic nerves, can normalise the perfusion, interrupts the inflammatory circle and can be a catalisator for regeneration. The intervals between the neural therapeutic treatments are individual and repetitive treatments are mostly necessary. The best indications for the use of neural therapy are pain conditions, functional disorders, chronic inflammation and healing problems caused by interference fields.
Testparameter infiltration on teeth
The effects of the neural therapy are very good explained by vasodilatation, sympatholytic effect, normalisation of the cell membrans and antiinflammation. The summary of this effects results in reducing the chronic irritation in the matrix. The scientific research in the last decades schowed direct antiinflammatory effects of the local anaesthetics due to inhibition of prostaglandins, inhibition of the migration of leucocytes, inhibition of the release of lysosomal enzymes, interaction with G-protein connected receptors and many more neurophysiological effects. In this way neural therapy has the aim to normalise or improve the body’s self-regulation at various levels.
There are many benefits from neural therapy for the medicine because the method allows a new understanding about the importance of the interference fields and coordinates the data from the modern research about the information pathways in the living body.